Keyboard Shortcuts

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Foren Mitglied
Beiträge: 702

Keyboard Shortcuts

Beitrag von Foren Mitglied » 26. Februar 2016, 22:54:53

F11: toggle fullscreen/windowed

CTRL+R : replay
CTRL+S : slow motion (replay)
CTRL+A : ABS on/off
CTRL+T : cycle traction control modes
CTRL+H : show/hide apps
CTRL+O : restart session
CTRL+L : disable names
CTRL+M : toggle mouse steering
CTRL+G : gearbox Auto
CTRL+I : racing line on/off
CTRL+Q : damage displayer on/off
CTRL+J : show damage displayer

F1 : cycle car cameras
F2 : random cameras
F3 : track cameras
F5 : pivot camera around the car
F6 : cycle on-board cameras
F8 : in-game screenshot
F9 : toggle bottom learderboard
F11 : toggle virtual mirror
F12 : (Steam related) screenshot
KeyPad +/- : Change Force Feedback (disabled in replays)
Ctrl +/- : Change onboard FOV
Ctrl Shift +/- : Change saturation
PageUp/Down : adjust exposure
Home : Open/close console
1 .. 0 : Turbo boost management

CTRL+1: switch to previous opponent car
CTRL+3: switch to next opponent car
CTRL+2: switch to player car
CTRL+L: toggle opponents name


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