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Re: Vorstellungsthread - Introduce yourself!

Forum: Fahrerlager | 1. März 2017, 16:26:56

von Foren Mitglied | Antworten: 329 | Zugriffe: 177110

@ Rickard hehe, another SimHQ racer from Sweden. Did Conny lure you here? :lol: Welcome to our community! :obscene-drinkingcheers: One small thing: according to our forum rules, all members have to register with their real name. I just edited your Profile accordingly, so if you want to log in now, ...

Re: Vorstellungsthread - Introduce yourself!

Forum: Fahrerlager | 23. Februar 2017, 20:23:28

von Foren Mitglied | Antworten: 329 | Zugriffe: 177110

Name: Rickard Nilsson
Age: 45
Residence: Sweden

Simracing experience: About 12 years.
League experience: SimHQ, SSR, VEC ,G.I.R.L and speedzone.

Simracing hardware: T500rs, add-on Ferrari F1 Wheel ,Ferrari 599XX EVO Alcantara Edition.