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Re: M1 Procar Cup Herbstsaison 2016 - Fahrer & Teamanmeldung

Forum: RaceRoom Racing Experience | M1 Procar Cup | Season 1 | 1. Juli 2016, 08:36:16

von Foren Mitglied | Antworten: 76 | Zugriffe: 27302

Conny Näslund #68

Re: RaceRoom-Funevent: Mini-VLN

Forum: RR-Allgemein | 26. Juni 2016, 23:05:43

von Foren Mitglied | Antworten: 141 | Zugriffe: 51223

Yes Sascha, that was good fun. Merc vs Merc :) :handgestures-thumbup: I had eco trimmed it, just to be able to get just one pitstop and it worked as I made it to the pit with 1 liter in the tank. However, I was not clear about the last lap if it was one more lap or if it was the finish so I pitted a...

Re: RaceRoom-Funevent: Mini-VLN

Forum: RR-Allgemein | 25. Juni 2016, 00:51:45

von Foren Mitglied | Antworten: 141 | Zugriffe: 51223

With not that much time to prepare, what laptimes are you guys doing, especially the Touring Classics?
Just so I can calculate if we will have 12 or 13 laps. Seems It might be possible to do just one pistop if it's only 12, otherwise a splash'n dash is needed.
I'm running at 8:45-8:50.

Re: RaceRoom-Funevent: Mini-VLN

Forum: RR-Allgemein | 24. Juni 2016, 21:29:47

von Foren Mitglied | Antworten: 141 | Zugriffe: 51223

Hi, I would like to join the Touring classics. I take the Merc 190.